As a Presbyterian minister, can I perform a same-gender holy union ceremony for a same-gender couple?
Yes. The General Assemblys Permanent Judicial Commission has interpreted the Churchs Constitution in reference to love and marriage for our LGBT community by indicating that a “same-sex union that is liturgically distinct from a marriage ceremony is permissible under church law.” This decision (Benton v. The Presbytery of Hudson River) noted that “the Directory for Worship affirms the value of worship services in the practice of pastoral care and gives great latitude to ministers and sessions in addressing the pastoral care of members. A same-sex ceremony celebrates a loving, caring and committed relationship,” says this PJC decision. “Therefore, it would be appropriate for this worship occasion to be in the form and spirit of W-6.3010 and 6.0311” (from the Directory for Worship in the Book of Order, section: “Resources of Worship for Pastoral Care”).