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Basit (2): If Thai Airways allows me to apply, what are the requirements for qualified pilot applicants?


Basit (2): If Thai Airways allows me to apply, what are the requirements for qualified pilot applicants?


Mr. Colin: As we mentioned, please click Thai Airways Pilot, then click TG Schedule, Tests, Selection, & Training. You will find all of the information you need in the TG Pilot Application Procedures & Requirements section. However, if you want to have a real chance of passing, it is not enough to have only your CPL. Airlines need experience. We recommend you continue to fly and that you have at least 300 flying hours before you apply. This will help you a lot. The age limit for TG qualified pilot is 42, so you have time to build your experience and flying hours. Siampilot has many many qualified pilots who come to study. Those that pass usually have a lot of flying hours. If you have only the minimum flying hours to get your CPL, you can still pass TG qualified pilot, but you need to show you have experience in other areas (work, training, …). This will help balance your lack of flying experience.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.