Can a dog die from eating chocolate?
Dogs and Chocolate Will Chocolate Really Poison Your Dog? The answer is a qualified yes. The level of toxicity depends on the weight and age of the dog, the kind of chocolate and the quantity of the chocolate ingested. Just in case, don’t ever give your dog chocolate. Why take the chance? The bad guys in chocolate are theobromine and caffeine, and in sufficient quantities can harm, even kill, your dog. Theobromine is a form of caffeine. It affects the nervous system, the kidneys and the heart. Some symptoms to look for if you suspect your dog has eaten chocolate are: Vomiting Diarrhea Thirst Increased urination Restlessness Increased heart rate Muscle tremors Hyperactivity The dog will display the first of these symptoms within the first few hours of ingestion. The latter symptoms show up as the dog continues to metabolize the chocolate. Kinds of Chocolate There are five kinds of chocolate: White chocolate Cocoa Milk chocolate Semi-sweet chocolate Baker’s chocolate These go from least
You’re right, this can really be critical for your dog. As well as generally sweet. You should not let them eat the food that you eat. Here you can learn more about what will be useful for the dog and will not harm its health