Can a driver who has a condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness be certified?
It is a pretty dangerous thing, as for me. I had some condition that caused sleepiness and I was really afraid of driving at all. But I have recently stumbled upon a really nice gadget that might help. Check its page at It will be out soon and help people with such problems prevent micro sleep. I guess it is a really useful thing and can be very helpful
Narcolepsy and sleep apnea account for about 70% of EDS. EDS lasting from a few days to a few weeks should not limit a driver’s ability in the long run. However, persistent or chronic sleep disorders causing EDS can be a significant risk to the driver and the public. While most of these diseases are usually disqualifying, The examiner should consider these general certification criteria at the initial and follow-up examinations: Underlying condition causing the EDS. Severity of and frequency of EDS Presence or absence of warning of attacks Possibility of sleep during driving Degree of symptomatic relief with treatment Compliance with treatment After the initial evaluation, the examiner can decide if additional testing is required. Generally, drivers with excessive EDS need further evaluation to determine the cause and certification.