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Can a Muslim woman answer some questions about Islam for a non-Muslim?


Can a Muslim woman answer some questions about Islam for a non-Muslim?


Hi. I am an American Muslim living in the US. Regaeding these issues, well you pretty much hit the nail on the head in regards to Ms. Ali and her book. She is an atheist now (fine to each his own) and she spends a lot of time bashing Islam and Muslims. I will say that in certain cultures there is a heavy influence of old habits which predate Islam but have unfortunately stuck around nonetheless. Somalia is an example of this as are other countries. Regarding the issues you raised, female circumcison is a controversial issue even among Islamic scholars. The majority however believe it not to be allowed because sexual satisfaction is a right of the Muslim wife. There were people who practiced it during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) however he forbade them from removing the clitoris. Female genital mutilation as it is practiced in Africa for example is absolutely not allowed in Islam. It is a tribal tradition, not an Islamic one. Regarding the marital relationship, of course


Beating is not allowed in Islam. Female circumcision is against Islam. There’s no purpose for it. It’s done by non Muslims in Asia and Africa. It has nothing to do with Islam. You can beat your wife if she is disobedient but she can’t beat you. A man is the Imam or leader of his household. His women(Wife/wives) and children are his followers. Sometimes you need to discipline your woman in order to get her on the right path or to keep her from doing something wrong like not taking care of the man’s house while he is at work. You can’t beat her Western style. It has to be done with a miswak which is a natural toothbrush used by the prophets(PBUT*) and Muslims alike for oral hygiene. It’s made using certain twigs from certain trees. It can’t cause bleeding, can’t harm the woman, can’t leave marks, can’t be done in front of the children, can’t be on any place that you can see, can’t be on the face or hands, and beating is a private matter between a man and his women. It is nothing more the

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