Can a unit attack back after an ambush, when a flag is rolled during the ambush?
.Normally the answer is NO, because when a unit moves out of the hex on a retreat it may not attack back, even if it would move back towards its baseline and is still adjacent to the enemy unit that did the ambush. However, if the unit being ambushed must retreat but its retreat path is blocked, it must lose one figure for each retreat move it cannot complete. And because the unit did not move from the hex it was is in, it may attack back.Armor Bonus DieQ.If armor makes an attack which is given a bonus die (ie Their Finest Hour, Armored Assault, etc), at Close Assault range…then retreats/kills the unit it assaults and makes an Armored Overrun…does it keep the bonus die for the second attack?A.YesPegasus Bridge Axis Card DrawQ.If the Axis player plays a Recon card on his first or second turns how many cards should he draw. After my first turn, I get to draw 2 cards to add to my hand. The Recon card shows that I get to pick 2 cards and discard 1 of them. This seems kind of confusing