Can acupuncture collapse a lung?
” Even though pneumothorax is the most frequently reported serious complication related to acupuncture, it is not an inevitable complication of acupuncture, and in most cases involves negligence from inadequate consideration of basic anatomy.” quoted from one large research evaluation. So if you rely on certified practitioners who’ve taken a minimum four year program the risk is minimal. The one’s I’d avoid are MD’s who only took a weekend course and suddenly think they’re experts. Just like vets who’ve taken a weekend course in chiropractic… not reliable and they’ve fractured dogs backs.
The apex of your lung is only a few MM’s away from the skin in your neck/shoulder region. It most definitely is possible and has happened. Just about every organ has been pierced by an acupuncturist at some stage. It isn’t a common occurrence but it does happen occasionally. All the more reason to make sure acupuncturists are properly trained and regulated and not let loose on the public after a few weekend courses.