Can anyone tell me please what has happened to Taylor Hicks?
Unfortunately his music hasn’t reached the UK yet, but he’s been doing very well here in America. Granted the ‘radio’ has stated he’s fizzled away…maybe that’s because none of them want to play his single. Which is fine, really, since Taylor’s best asset is LIVE PERFORMANCES – which he’s been doing for the past three months straight. His first solo tour is about to end and much to his fan’s glee, he has decided to tack on a summer tour which begins I believe next month. In-between he will squeeze in a book-signing tour for his new auto-biography that will hit the shelves in July. But since you can’t get too much of Hicks in the UK, maybe his ‘live performance’ DVD (to be released in November ’07) will be available to you via internet. Hope I’ve been helpful, I’m sorry you’ve had to miss out on such a talent.