Can Backpacks Cause Problems?
Your spine is made of 33 bones called vertebrae, and between the vertebrae are disks that act as natural shock absorbers. When you incorrectly place a heavy weight on your shoulders, such as a backpack filled with books, the weight’s force can pull you backward. To compensate, you may bend forward at the hips or arch your back, and this can cause your spine to compress unnaturally. Teens who carry heavy backpacks sometimes also compensate for the extra weight by leaning forward; over time this can cause the shoulders to become rounded and the upper back to become curved. Because of the heavy weight, there’s a chance you may develop shoulder, neck, and back pain. If you wear your backpack over just one shoulder, or carry your books in a messenger bag, you may end up leaning to one side to offset the extra weight. You might develop lower and upper back pain and strain your shoulders and neck. Improper backpack use can lead to poor posture. Is your backpack getting on your nerves? It migh