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Can DIR/Floortime and ABA be integrated?


Can DIR/Floortime and ABA be integrated?


Definitely. The field of ABA has evolved over the past ten years; there has been a “leftwards” movement toward a more developmental approach. Ten years ago, most ABA providers were still very traditional. Sessions were largely adult-directed, and it was rare to see teaching sessions conducted using more naturalistic approaches. Natural environment techniques were always included to some degree; however, these tactics often took the back seat to more structured “discrete-trial” learning opportunities. Today we’re seeing a movement toward more naturalistic, developmentally appropriate behavioral interventions. What this means is that instead of ABA sessions being 90 percent adult-directed, sessions are conducted with a more natural back-and-forth flow of adult-led and child-led activities. Instructional activities are more play-based, centering on the unique interests of each child. If you look at the Floortime model, it’s maybe 90 percent child-led. In the past, there used to be a real

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.