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Can enzymes help with allergies?

allergies enzymes help
Posted Kestie Beckan edited answer

Can enzymes help with allergies?


Many researchers theorize that being allergic to a raw food may be nature’s way of telling us that the food’s enzymes are incompatible with some unhealthy bodily condition and are trying to destroy it. This confrontation between food enzyme and disease could result in the classic symptoms of itching, nasal discharges, and rashes. There are various types of metabolic enzymes, including scavenger enzymes. Scavenger enzymes are believed to patrol the blood and dissolve the waste that accumulates from the millions of metabolic reactions that take place each second within each cell of the body. These special enzymes cruise about in the blood looking for dead, inert, and offensive material that might accumulate and harm the body. In fact, some of our scavenger enzymes are present in the white blood cells. The main function of these enzymes includes the attempt to prevent the arteries from clogging up and the joints from being crammed with arthritic deposits. If the scavenger enzymes find the


I think that you should take some good and trusted prescription allergy medicine instead. They will surely help you beat your allergy, and you will feel much better soon. But you need to consult your doctor before it, so plese be careful and good luck!

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