Can flower essences treat physical ailments?
Flower essences do treat physical ailments, but not necessarily in isolation. They work on the principle that most ailments are responses to emotional conflict or tension. For example, suppressed rage may be causing you chronic hepatitis. Flower therapy will help you understand your rage and find an outlet to give it healthy expression, curing your hepatitis in the process. What if I don’t notice any changes at all? Very rarely have users of flower therapy not experienced a change in their condition. The healing effects of Flower Essences will be most obvious when they correspond with the core mental or emotional challenges you face. Their effectiveness may be reduced if you are addressing only superficial symptoms or feelings. What if my condition is really serious? If you have a serious mental or emotional condition, or a known physical malady, you should consult a qualified medical practitioner. Nowadays, many health practitioners include Flower Therapy in their complementary health