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Can global governance keep pace with an interdependent world?


Can global governance keep pace with an interdependent world?


10/04/2008 By Publicaciones FRIDE “For the first time in history, absolute poverty could be eradicated within one generation” © FRIDE For Mats Karlsson the famous phrase “no man is an island” sums up, now more than ever, the global challenges currently facing an interdependent world. According to the economist, although the questions have been well-articulated at the international level, there is still a great deal of work to be done. In his opinion, the current challenges are framed in three global tendencies. For the first time in the history of humanity, absolute poverty could be eradicated in one generation or, at the most, two. Meanwhile, the emerging countries – China, Brazil, South Africa and India – have raised the number of powerful voices, making multipolarity a tangible reality. Thirdly, he emphasises that the accumulated experience of the institutions of global cooperation is allowing for progress to be better managed. Successful experiences, such as that of Ghana, which ha

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