Can head lice infestation reoccur even when we have properly treated for the presence of head lice?
Yes. Treatment for head lice does not prevent another infestation. Shampoos that we use for Control contain an insecticide that will kill nymphs and adults, but the effect is short-lived, and the insecticidal shampoo will not act as a repellant against future infestations. Lice infestation can reoccur if a person has hair-to-hair contact with another infested person. Remember that lice are most commonly spread by direct hair-to-hair contact. To prevent re-infestation check school-aged children regularly for lice. The Iowa Department of Public Health recommends that parents spend 15 minutes per child, each week, checking for crawling lice or nits. If a school-aged child is infested, check all members of the household for lice. Avoid hair-to-hair contact with an infested household member.