Can I display Abaqus CAE on my Windows PC?
Yes. However, Exceed 6.2 or 7.1 or newer with Exceed 3D must be installed on your PC. Exceed is a X-server package for Windows. Exceed 3D extends the X-server with the remote GL library. Remote GL allows hardware support on the local PC box. Abaqus CAE has not been certified with other freeware X-servers for Windows like CYGWIN though you can try to download and use them on your own. Abaqus CAE should be displayed fine on all UNIX workstations, including Linux with remote GL support like Red Hat Use the following procedure to display CAE on your PC with Exceed: a. Log on cobalt or abe as usual, with kerberos or ssh. b. Start Exceed on your PC->Start->Programs->Exceed->Exceed c. Set your display on prompt: setenv DISPLAY your_machine_name:0.0 where your_machine_name is the full domain name or IP address of your PC d. Run Abaqus CAE with abaqus cae. Ask your system administrator to install Exceed and Exceed 3D on your PC.