Can I edit sheet music on the Wikifonia website?
As a registered user you can easily edit a sheet by clicking on the edit link at the right side of the sheet. The edit page is divided in two main sections: • a section to edit any metadata field such as composer, poet, performer, title and subtitle. • a upload section to submit a better version of musicxml file You can change one or more metadata fields and upload a new musicXML version at the same time. Once you submit your changes, a new version of the sheet will be published. You can compare your new version of the sheet against the previous one by following the revisions link at the left side of the sheet. In case you don’t feel comfortable to edit a sheet yourself, you may always post a discussion below the displayed sheet in order to point out a possible mistake in the chord names, melody or lyrics. Someone else may pick this up and finally adjust the sheet.
As a registered user you can easily edit a sheet by clicking on the edit link at the right side of the sheet. The edit page is divided in two main sections: • a section to edit any metadata field such as composer, poet, performer, title and subtitle. • a upload section to submit a better version of musicXML file You can change one or more metadata fields and upload a new musicXML version at the same time. Once you submit your changes, a new version of the sheet will be published. You can compare your new version of the sheet against the previous one by following the revisions link at the right side of the sheet. In case you don’t feel comfortable to edit a sheet yourself, you may always post a discussion below the displayed sheet in order to point out a possible mistake in the chord names, melody or lyrics. Someone else may pick this up and finally adjust the sheet.