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Can I use an electric bottle sterilizer to sterilize bottles and formula?


Can I use an electric bottle sterilizer to sterilize bottles and formula?


There are a number of electric bottle sterilizer units available that claim to sterilize bottles and formula at the same time. Although it is unlikely that these units will cause any nutrient losses in the formula for heating at a high temperature, the ability of these units to ensure sterilization of the formula may depend on a few things. Although these machines may reach the appropriate temperatures for sterilization of formula and bottles when the machine is made, over time they may be less effective. As well, unless there is a timedtemperature mechanism built in that will tell how long the formula stays at a given temperature, there is no way to know if the formula remains at a high enough temperature for long enough to ensure that it will be sterile. If using an electric bottle/formula sterilizer, it is recommended that the water used to make the formula be sterilized by boiling at a rolling boil for 2 minutes, then cooled before being used to make formula. This step of sterilizi

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