Can infected birds or other animal spread West Nile virus to people?
No. West Nile virus is transmitted to people and animals by infected mosquitoes. There is no evidence of the virus being transmitted to people by contact with infected animals. Q: Are pet birds at risk? A: The disease risk to a pet bird depends on the amount of exposure the bird has to mosquitoes. Domestic birds kept strictly indoors have minimal risk. Pet birds that are caged or perched outdoors for variable lengths of time are at increased risk. Q: Is there a vaccine available to protect birds from West Nile Virus? A: Currently there is no labeled and approved vaccine to protect birds against West Nile virus. Some zoos are conducting experimental trials with avian vaccination to safeguard their collection, especially rare or endangered species. However, the effectiveness of the vaccine and optimal dose and method of administration are not yet known. Q: What are the symptoms of West Nile Fever in horses? A: West Nile virus primarily affects the brain and nerves. Therefore, symptoms ma