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Can Low Dose Naltrexone LDN be beneficial to those with Hepatitis C or liver disease?


Can Low Dose Naltrexone LDN be beneficial to those with Hepatitis C or liver disease?


The U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Pub Med Website includes many clinical studies and articles about how opioids and the opioid antagonist, which is what Low Dose Naltrexone LDN is, impact liver conditions such as Hepatitis C and the immune system. These Clinical Studies (whose PUBMed ID number is included below) demonstrate the safety and very beneficial effects of Naltrexone to the liver for dosages below 300mg a day in a variety of ways, including: 1. Reducing Liver Enzymes Levels (ALT & AST), including Hepatitis (PMID: 16839858 & PMID: 9411543) 2. Reducing Liver Damage in Hepatitis (PMID: 19023176 & 15389866) 3. Reducing Liver Injury in Cholestasis (PMID: 17295775) 4. Reducing Liver Enzymes in Cholestasis (PMID: 12570015) 5. Reducing Liver Fibrosis (PMID: 16543289) 6. Anti-inflammatory effects & improving hepatic dysfunction (PMID: 19023176 & 15917999) 7. Benefits in Cholestatic Pruritus (PMID: 9322521 & PMID: 15517116) While the above are not spe

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.