Can nurse practitioners and physician assistants perform and bill for consultations, initial visits, and critical care?
Technically, these practitioners could perform these types of services if: • allowed by the institution (e.g. some hospitals do not allow nonphysician practitioners admitting privileges) and • provided the NPPs are also within the scope of their state licensure and training The latter point should prompt caution in billing among nonphysician practitioners in that they must have the background training and education to support the high-complexity work and medical decision-making included in codes such as critical care and the higher levels of consultations and initial visits. See question #2 of this same issue for further related discussion especially regarding consultations. Date Posted: 6/1/2006 • Can non-physician practitioners such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants perform consultations? According to CMS Publication 100-4, the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 12, Section 30.6.10, subsections A (see attached link), “qualified nonphysician practitioners (NPP) m
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- Can nurse practitioners and physician assistants perform and bill for consultations, initial visits, and critical care?
- Can non-physician practitioners such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants perform consultations?