Can someone explain why France gets to offload Immigrants onto Britain?
The whole French policy seems to be to make it as easy as possible for people to get into Britain. Why else would they have put their big camp just outside Calais? And why now are they planning on putting lots of little centres all along the Channel coast? Why not in central France? The answer is, of course, simple. They want to dump the problem on us. I’m not one of the Daily Mail reading anti-immigration pricks, but the situation does need dealing with. I see no problem with asylum seekers being given benefits or access to the NHS, many of these people have gone through hell and I see no issue with taking care of them. What I do have an issue with is the way things are done. Asylum is supposed to be claimed in the first safe country a refugee gets to, not the one that seems most appealing. If the French truly want an fair division of the refugee population then the logical solution would be for all people claiming asylum in any EU country to be put into a central pool and distributed
The indigenous population are but voices in the wind, But only, until the next election, My vote will go to the party who will stop this invasion of immigrants from any country we, have had enough, =and actually too many, there is very strong evidence that the uk will be in a very unrest full period if, this is not taken on board by the Powers =we elect=