Can someone teach biology & other science subjects online?
To some extent this can be done. However, in many cases, doing the accompanying labs online can be difficult to impossible. Labs provide hands on work with the concepts discussed in lectures and this is just not something that can be done very effectively online. Let me give you a couple of examples. I am a Geology instructor. In the geology labs, the students learn to identify rocks and minerals. However, there is only so much that can actually be seen in a photograph of the samples. In order to really get to know these things, a student needs to handle and examine actual sample of them. So, trying to do this online would be rather ineffective. The second example is with chemistry. A chemistry lab requires the student to work with potentially hazardous chemicals. So, supervision by a trained chemist is essential for safety. This is just something that can’t be done at all on line and would be very dangerous to attempt in anything but a controlled environment. So, yes, you can teach va