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Can the A to Z Grantwriting Seminar help for-profit businesses in finding grants and loans?

10 Posted

Can the A to Z Grantwriting Seminar help for-profit businesses in finding grants and loans?


Many of my students are interested in learning how to write grants to support business efforts! All of the tools and resources presented in the A to Z Grantwriting Seminar can be used in implementing a for-profit business grantwriting campaigns. Also, students will be provided with a detailed outline of a complete business proposal package, proposal samples links, and research and writing tools.


Many of my students are interested in learning how to write grants to support business efforts! All of the tools and resources presented in the A to Z Grantwriting Seminar can be used in implementing a for-profit business grantwriting campaigns. Also, students will be provided with a detailed outline of a complete business proposal package, proposal samples links, and research and writing tools. Here are several resources I hope will be helpful in finding support for your business efforts. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES AND FUNDERS US Census Bureau Business Opportunities Small Business Administration Home Page Pro- Net : an electronic gateway of procurement information Sub-Contracting Opportunities information: A by-state listing of Government prime contractors with addresses, points of contact, and supplied products or services. This list is provided for those small businesses having similar

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.