Can the word Osho be used as a Trademark?
* Osho can only be a trademark if one legal entity (person or company) has the legal right to control all goods and services related to Osho’s teachings so that whenever the public sees “Osho” connected to goods or services it will know that the goods or services come from a single source and that that single source guarantees a certain quality. * However, that source can’t be Osho, since many other people besides Osho have long been involved in creating goods and services related to His work. Also, Osho never assigned His rights to anyone else, so if Osho is the source, no one owns the trademark. What is being claimed under Osho as a Trademark? * Books and audio and video recordings. Also, all the activities of Osho centers. These include meditation classes, sessions, and events; celebration events; music events; groups; sessions; bodywork; restaurants; books about Osho; newspapers; magazines; and any other business activities carried on under the name of Osho. We are also talking abo