Can you advise, after using Larsen Concentrated Algicide if the surface can be painted?
10th September 2008 After the Larsen Concentrated Algicide has been applied and has dried, the surface can then have subsequent coatings applied, i.e. paint, plaster, render etc. It is important to ensure the surface is sound, clean and free from other contamination before applying subsequent coatings. • Could i have sone information relating to health and safety for the use of mortar plastiser. 2nd June 2009 The Health and Safety information is provided in the safety datasheet on the product page – Mortar Plasticiser • Couldyou recommend a waterproofing product suitable to use on an existing terrazzo floor for a new vinyl to be laid on. 16th February 2010 By waterproofing product I would assume you mean a damp proof membrane. If the moisture content of the existing terrazzo floor is too high to apply the vinyl directly, then Larsen DPM can be applied to the terrazzo. The floor should be mechanically prepared (e.g. enclosed shot blasting) to give a clean, lightly textured finsih free f