Can You Help Me Locate And Design It According To Feng Shui Principles?
Certainly. I can help you choose the best site for the house, its preferred sitting and facing positions, and best time to build. Additionally, I can advise you on choosing/designing the floorplan that will allow you to take advantage of the good qi. I am also available to consult with your architect to ensure that the design is correct and will best benefit you. Can You Do A Long-Distance Reading For Me? While I very much prefer to see the property in person, I realize that is always not possible. For a long-distance reading, you will need to get a floorplan, several photos, and more to me so that I can perform the consultation. What Kind Of Remedies Do You Usually Advise? In traditional Feng Shui, the natural Five Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are used for remedies and enhancements. Some remedies need to be placed outside the building, but most are placed inside. You will be told what particular element you need and the advised size or weight, and then you choose the