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Can you substitute Chinese Soy Sauce for Japanese Tamari or Shoyu?


Can you substitute Chinese Soy Sauce for Japanese Tamari or Shoyu?


Not really. Japanese and Chinese soy sauces quite different and are not usually interchangeable in recipes– and don’t even think about using Chinese soy sauce on sushi or sashimi. That said, few of us have a ginormous pantry or a fridge like the TARDIS. It is fairly easy to substitute a Japanese soyu in a recipe using Chinese light soy sauce. In a pinch, San J Tamari sauce is a good choice to stand in for dark Chinese soy sauce. Pearl River light and dark can be used in recipes calling for Japanese Shoyu and Tamari. Unless you cook a lot of Chinese food, it is worth noting that Japanese soy sauces seem to blend better with non-Asian ingredients. Chinese soy sauces tend to be saltier, even the low sodium versions. Gluten free soy sauce. Not all soy sauce is gluten free. One good Japanese soy sauce that is: San J Organic Tamari Wheat Free. It is also available in a low sodium formulation. Other types of soya sauce to try. Korean soy sauce is salty– almost as salty as Hawaiian soy sauce i

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