Can zombies be created?
Instinctive property of demand in 1963 Russain scientists have always been concerned of this. They than tested it in 1976. The 1946 hand-boilen was used in the project, Project Geographel. It was supposed to make the first zombie. In some religons ‘God’ himself was the first zombie but in some religons like Amish God had not come yet. This is called, the second coming. In Hulist religon, people believe God will need a 3rd coming. That is very doubtful. I am though an athiest. But I blieve in these sciences and matters. Than finally they thought they did every testing. They had not brung someone back to life. They though had one more idea. Well Tryman Buchleor thought using all of the town’s energy power in Subsburge, Russia would bring life together and another part, zombies. So the first applied man was tested Hunglinton Runsburger in Russia that had died in 1898 of sever cancer. They brung him back to life by using Tryman’s idea. It was the world’s first zombie. But it was not able t