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Destructoid mole: Microsoft announcements coming around Nov. 22?


Destructoid mole: Microsoft announcements coming around Nov. 22?


>> From (rumor warning!): [QUOTE] One of the first big waves the mole drops on us has to do with Microsoft and some major announcements due around the pivotal shopping period of Nov. 22. Here’s a look: * On the hard drive: They are going to announce and release 80GB or 100GB hard drives, but not sure yet which one but possibly both. As well as the future 160GB and 200GB options. * Cables: HDMI cables and prices should follow this hard drive news. Expect a $69.99 price. * Game price drops: The Outfit for the 360 is dropping to $10 at Best Buy “FOR SURE.” It’s also a solid rumor that many will drop to $15 and $20 through the holidays. Madden 06, PDZ, THUG, King Kong, NHL06, Ridge Racer (already is) and most dated sports games. [/QUOTE] Read More: Discuss this news item on our forums:

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