Did a scorching fire, in 1532, possible affect the results of the carbon 14 dating?
This idea is scientifically unsustainable. It is possible that new carbon could be introduced by a fire, but a significant quantity would be noticeable. Such carbon is not there. Claims by some that such a fire could actually alter isotopes (C12, C13 and C14) is ridiculous. Every serious Shroud student knows that the scorching theory is utter bunk fostered on the public by a Russian researcher, a young-earth biblical creationist who faked experiments, quoted from non-existent material and even quoted reputable sources who deny having ever said or written such things. Sadly many authors, (including highly esteemed and reputable authors like Ben Witherington III writing in Christianity Today) have picked up on this strange hypothesis and the bioplastic hypothesis and given them traction.