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Do Amish People have health insurance?


Do Amish People have health insurance?


The Amish people live very simple lives. During the early 1700s many of the Southern German Mennonites immigrated to Pennsylvania. Today many of the Amish continue to live much the same way they did in the 18th century. Some of the Amish have more health problems related to genetic disorders. The occurrence of genetic disorders, such as dwarfism and Down syndrome, may be related to intermarriage with cousins and second cousins. To prevent genetic disorders, many Amish people marry members of different Amish societies. Unfortunately, people with some genetic disorders need health care. Access to health care is often a problem for the Amish because they don’t believe in carrying health insurance. Since most Amish people do not have health insurance, they have to pay for their medical care in cash. The Amish have no confidence in the modern life of the “Englishers” (everyone who isn’t Amish). They feel no need for preventive medicine. The Amish are more reactive than proactive. They do no

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.