Do Christians have their specific rituals, ceremonies and rites of passages in the hope of pleasing their god?
I suppose it would vary Christian to Christian. Also, it would depend on that particular Christians ‘Religion’ if they so have one. A Catholic Christian will have specific rituals they will have to perform to ‘please their god’ if they wish to remain Catholic, as will a methodist or baptist, etc etc. I am a Christian of no particular religous affiliation as I disagree with … pretty much all religions various practices that within their doctrine are decidedly unchristian. I do, however have specific rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage ~ Child rearing. Being honest (I took a vow of honesty). Being kind. Attempting to always to what is ‘right’ and ‘good’ in any given situation. Exhibiting mercy and compassion wherever mercy and compassion is available to exhibit. I’m not sure that these things are exactly what you meant, but I’m not big on painting my door in lambs blood or baptising a child that has no clue what’s going on, or ritualistic cannibalism, etc etc.