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Do I need to pay a Storm Water Utility Fee if rainwater on my property does not drain or run-off into the sewer system?


Do I need to pay a Storm Water Utility Fee if rainwater on my property does not drain or run-off into the sewer system?


Previous studies conducted by larger cities that had to implement a Storm Water Program in response to the 1990 federal storm water mandate, found that basing the fee on impervious area was equitable. This may not necessarily equate to the exact storm water run-off on any one property during any one storm event. However, impervious surface area often correlates with the amount of storm water run-off over the long term. It is important to note that the storm water fee pays for citywide improvements to the storm sewer system and funds the federally mandated Storm Water Permit. Controlling floodwaters allows for transportation corridors and emergency traffic to remain unrestricted and benefits the health, safety and well-being of all of Arvada’s businesses and citizens. Further, the State and the Environmental Protection Agency are requiring the City, as a whole, to obtain and implement programs under a Storm Water Permit to avoid penalties of $2,500 per day or more. These improvements an

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.