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Do kittens normally show symptoms if they are infected with FeLv?


Do kittens normally show symptoms if they are infected with FeLv?


No, she isn’t too young to be tested! Kittens of any age can be tested for FeLV, the maternal antibodies don’t interfere with the results of the test. They *can* though with FIV, and in some cases testing of young kittens can produce a false-positive for FIV due to the maternal antibodies. Shelters and rescues routinely test kittens of any age that come in, many as young as 4 weeks old. The fact that she shows no symptoms doesn’t mean she does not have FeLV. A positive cat can “look” perfectly healthy, which is one of the reasons that FeLV is so easy to transmit – that false sense of security. FeLV is a fragile virus though, and doesn’t survive long outside the body. Read more about FeLV here:… And get that kitten in to the vet to be tested! If that vet won’t test, then find one who will.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.