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Do Radiation, Tamoxifen, Mammograms, and Chemotherapy Help or Hurt?


Do Radiation, Tamoxifen, Mammograms, and Chemotherapy Help or Hurt?


How can we be so bold as to state that conventional medical treatments for breast cancer aren’t working? It’s very well documented. It seems as if every time we open a medical journal lately, there’s an article showing that conventional breast cancer treatments are ineffective, harmful, or both. Just in the past few years, major studies published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals meeting all the conventional medical criteria for so-called evidence-based medicine have shown that: • Mammograms don’t really save lives (G. Sjonell, et al., Lakartidningen 96 (1999): 904-913. • Radiation doesn’t really save lives (Lancet, 22 May 2000). • Tamoxifen doesn’t really save lives (Mitchell, et al., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, November 1999). • Chemotherapy doesn’t save lives (which isn’t news; we’ve known this for a long time). So what’s left for the conventional medical doctor to treat breast cancer patients with? Nothing but the same surgical removal of the cancer that they were

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