Do vaccine shots injure the lymphatic system?
Flu shots (which are prepared from dead or irradiated viruses) in the unaffected arm are not a problem. The immune system function in the affected arm will have a lack of surveillance but there are enough nodes in other parts of the body to compensate. The affected arm on the other hand will have a higher risk of infection if you have a cut or abrasion there. Once you get cellulites there, you become more prone to infection so strategy is important. Use antibiotics when necessary but do not overload your system. What is recommended for IVs and blood pressure cuffs when someone has had a double mastectomy? Blood pressure cuffs are not much of a problem because they are not on the arm very long; just pick the arm that is the least swollen. IVs on the other hand are a different story. About the Author: Breast Care is Dr. Guenther’s specialty by training and experience; however, he also provides consultations for other oncology surgeries. Dr. Guenthers references include: Fellow of the Ame