Yes! First, this is a religion, one of the world’s oldest religions, dating back thousands of years to Africa, specifically, the west coast of Africa. This is a monotheistic religion, we believe in one supreme creator (Bon Dieu or Gran Maitre) and while God is always present, God is not so involved in your every day secular trauma, trials and tribulations. In fact, God is perceived as a touch “disconnected” from human strife as God’s primary concerns are more on the Cosmic, Karmic, Evolving the Soul and Consciousness areas. Most of the very life defining experiences you endure are essentially, part of your divine plan, karmically designed to evolve your soul, no matter how bitter or agonizing some of these situations may be. However, God hasn’t left you stranded – I promise, God has created amazing Spirits who intervene in very specific areas of human need and these divine messengers and helpers are collectively known as the Lwa, Loas, Orishas, Invisibles or Mysteries along with the di