Do Wild Animals Transmit Disease?
A wild animal is especially dangerous in this regard since an owner would have no way of knowing what diseases the animal had been exposed to in its natural environment. Diseases such as rabies can have extremely lengthy incubation periods lasting several weeks or even several months. Wild animals harbor parasites which can be lethal especially to infants and young children. Internal parasites such as ascarid worms, tape worms, flukes, and protozoa can cause debilitating and often fatal diseases in humans while external parasites such as ticks and fleas transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever, bubonic plague, and other serious diseases. Primates can get and transmit tuberculosis, the common cold, measles, chicken pox and parasites; they bite and the bites become infected. They are all potentially aggressive. What Animals Do Make Good Pets? A pet is a domesticated animal that is kept for pleasure rather than utility. Domesticated animals make good pets because they have been bred, many fo