Does burrp! ever remove reviews?
Rarely. We are very confident in our community to speak the truth. But in some cases, the burrp! team may find certain problems with a review and be forced to remove it, such as: • Disclosure problems – If we find out that you are somehow connected to a business or event and did not disclose it in your review, we will remove it. • Second-hand experiences or hearsay – if your review is based on what your friend or co-worker thinks about a certain place, we will remove it. Were only interested in hearing about your experiences. • Personal attacks – just because you dont like someone connected to a business or an event, burrp! is not the place to take out that aggression. Of course, if you were provided bad service by someone, feel free to write that in your review. • Stereotypes and Discrimination – theres absolutely no room for bigotry on burrp! so forget about gender, ethnic or class discrimination. We will take your review down if we find out about this.