Does Candle Color Affect Burn Rate?
Thank you, this is an interesting question. I didn’t even know that the color of the candle changes the mass of the candle and because of this the candle can burn a little longer. In my opinion this is very interesting information and many will find it useful. Personally, though, I don’t really like scented candles. As far as I know, it is not very healthy to inhale the smell of a burning wick from a candle, and the candle is not always of high quality, and the candle wax itself may contain elements that can affect you badly. I personally prefer wax melts uk more because they are much less dangerous for you and your body. They are much more efficient and better. Although for a candle all you need is fire, and for wax you need something to melt it and usually this is a special burner that needs to be purchased separately.”> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘#jsArticleStep1 span.image a:first’).attr(‘href’,’’); }); Does color affect the rate at which wax melts? An interesting science project idea comes from One Stop Candle, a website dedicated to all things related to candles and candle-making. Does the color of a candle’s wax affect the rate at which it burns? To control the experiment, the candles should come from the same manufacturer, should be equal in size and shape and must not be color-dipped. (Color-dipped candles are white candles dipped in color; the color is not in the wax.) Get three white and three colored candles. Weigh them on an extremely accurate scale set to measure weights as low as 0.1 gram. Record the results. Burn each candle individually, as the flame from a nearby candle could affect the results. Burn them in an aquarium to control the ambient temperature and other factors