Does Cosumnes River College help students pay for enrollment fees and college expenses?
Yes, the college has a Financial Aid Office for students who qualify. To apply for an enrollment fee waiver (BOG Waiver), you must complete the application available at the Financial Aid Office or at the Information Desk in the College Center. To apply for Federal student aid (grants, work study, loans), you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA process begins in January for the following school year. See the Financial Aid Office staff or representatives in the College Center for assistance or questions.
Yes, the college has a Financial Aid Office for students who qualify. To apply for an enrollment fee waiver (BOG Waiver), students must complete the application available at the Financial Aid Office or at the Information Desk in the College Center. To apply for Federal student aid (grants, work study, loans), students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA process begins in January for the following school year. See the Financial Aid Office staff or representatives in the College Center for assistance or questions.