Does dyslexia effect people that use symbols as writing?
Dyslexia (word blindness) is commonly used to mean simply difficulty in reading. In this sense,it will cover a huge range of conditions causing problems, including the simply physical (poor sight), intellectual and emotional difficulties, inappropriate teaching etc. Technically, however, as used in education, dyslexia refers to a single condition: a lesion in the brain (whether mild or severe), whose major effect is to interfere with ordering objects. For decades such a lesion was only inferred from the effects: we could not of course observe it. Modern technology has confirmed the hypothesis; where present, the lesion can now be revealed by a brain scan. Hence, dyslexics commonly anagrammatise words (Satan visits their children at Christmas is one humorous version). They get letters the wrong way round (they walk the bog). Interestingly, these difficulties appear only in written communication; dyslexics are fine when understanding and using speech – one of the pointers to the accepted