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Does ENVIRO-SAFE have EPA approval?

Approval ENVIRO EPA safe
10 Posted

Does ENVIRO-SAFE have EPA approval?


ENVIRO-SAFE is a zero ozone depleting “second generation” replacement for R-134a and all other substitutes for freon that are non-ozone depleting. EPA’s Final Rule, issued April 1, 1994, states: “In this final rule, the Agency has determined that second generation replacements, if they are non-ozone depleting and are replacing non-ozone depleting first generation alternatives, are exempt from reporting requirements under Section 612” If an automotive system is “first generation” (ie.- has 134a fittings, contains no freon, has the appropriate sticker, etc.) it may accept a “second generation” refrigerant like ENVIRO-SAFE ES-12a.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.