Does grazing damage the range?
No. Grazing occurs when a cow or elk or bison, etc., bites a grass plant. “Overgrazing” occurs when that same bison bites a plant a second time before the plant has recovered from the first bite. It is like a gardener pruning roses. If you prune your roses too often, the rose will suffer and eventually die. “Over-grazing,” not grazing is damaging. The grasslands in California, like grasslands in other arid parts of the world, evolved along with grazing animalssee the La Brea tarpits in LA if you have any question about this. Consequently, grazing that simulates this evolutionary pattern is necessary for the health of the grasslands and the communities that depend on them for their water, among other things, and that means all of us! Morris Grassfed Beef cattle are carefully managed to simulate these wild patterns and to build the life of the land. Their grazing and animal impact are carefully timed so that the animals do not return to graze a plant a second time before that plant has h
No. Grazing occurs when a cow or elk or bison, etc., bites a grass plant. “Overgrazing” occurs when that same bison bites a plant a second time before the plant has recovered from the first bite. It is like a gardener pruning roses. If you prune your roses too often, the rose will suffer and eventually die. “Over-grazing,” not grazing is damaging. The grasslands in California, like grasslands in other arid parts of the world, evolved along with grazing animals-see the La Brea tarpits in LA if you have any question about this. Consequently, grazing that simulates this evolutionary pattern is necessary for the health of the grasslands and the communities that depend on them for their water, among other things, and that means all of us! Morris Grassfed Beef cattle are carefully managed to simulate these wild patterns and to build the life of the land. Their grazing and animal impact are carefully timed so that the animals do not return to graze a plant a second time before that plant has