Does investing in Mutual Funds mean investing in equities?
As you probably know, Mutual Funds have become pretty popular over the last few years. What was once just another obscure financial instrument is now a part of our lives and here to stay. According to sources, more than 80 million people, or one half of the households in America, invest in Mutual Funds. That means that, in the United States alone, trillions (yes, with a ‘T’) of dollars are invested in Mutual Funds. It’s common knowledge that investing in mutual funds is (or at least should be) better than simply letting your cash waste away in a savings account, but, for most people, that’s where the understanding of funds ends. Originally Mutual Funds were meant to allow the common man to get a piece of the market considering that the common man would be less knowledgeable about financial markets and would have smaller investments to transact with. Instead of spending all your free time buried in the financial pages of the Economic Times, all you have to do is buy a mutual fund and yo