Does Kids Help Phone have special training programs for counsellors?
Kids Help Phone has highly regarded initial training and ongoing development programs for our counsellors to ensure that they are up-to-date on the latest counselling trends as well as on the key and emerging issues that are impacting kids. Because our counsellors are professionals and not volunteers, they come to our organization with extensive experience. However, during our orientation process, it is essential that they receive support and instruction on the operational procedures at Kids Help Phone. When new counsellors are hired into our organization, each counsellor will undergo a five-day orientation process. Three of those days are in a small classroom environment with our Counselling Managers where they are further trained in clinical issues, operational procedures and policies, and technical know-how. One month following this orientation, the counsellor will then be oriented on web counselling and receive extensive training and support in this form of counselling. Our counsel