Does Kunati Book Publishers accept full manuscripts?
Not until we ask, based on your first chapter and synopsis. See our submission requirements link. If you are asked by us to submit a full manuscript, send it by mail with SASE if you wish it returned. IF YOU SUBMIT INSUFFICIENT SASE we will not return. (We recently had a submission, unsolicited, which cost the mailer over $3 to send to us. Only $1.50 was enclosed for return. If you do not wish it returned, enclose no postage, although we recommend eight-nine cents for a SASE reply without return of manuscript or an email so that we can reply to you one way or the other.) We ask that you be patient on manuscripts. With our volume of submissions, it takes some time to evaluate a full manuscript. Unsolicited manuscripts, if sent, will be treated as normal submissions. We will only read the first chapter and read on only if interested. If you send your entire manuscript on spec this way, you may be adding extra expenses to your submissions (cost of laser printing and mailing). It is faster