Does Mexico have a stray homeless cats and dog problem?
GT: Like any Latin-American country we have a huge dog and cat overpopulation problem. More than 3 million dogs and 5 million cats are killed in the country each year. There is not an accurate statistic on the numbers and we know that a great number of companion animals on the streets of Mexico are killed each year. I think we face a huge cultural and economical problem. One think we lack is good leadership within the welfare movement to solve this problem. I do believe that this problem can be solved with the help of the government and at this time the government is very susceptible to international pressure but unfortunately we do not yet have enough support internationally, but we need to be smart enough to generate it so we can really start to make progress and initiate a real cultural revolution in Mexico. Ana Sofia Ponce Partida: Yes, that’s right. We have a very severe homeless dog and cat problem in Mexico. It is very common to see stray animals (dogs and cats) practically ever