Does PSI teach abstinence?
Yes. Don’t get caught up in the politics of sex education. Public rhetoric about sex education describes a subtle distinction between “Abstinence Only” and “Abstinence-Based” curricula. Sometimes a distinction is made between “Abstinence Until Marriage” curricula and “Comprehensive Sex Education.” The political jargon describes the moral philosophies of program sponsors, as well as the extent to which written curricula and human instructors emphasize abstinence and de-emphasize protection. Certain government grants require adherence to the federal definition of “abstinence only” education. Cincinnati PSI reflects the policies of its sponsors and funders: • Cincinnati Children’s • Cincinnati Public School District • United Way of Greater Cincinnati • The Rudi Johnson Foundation PSI takes a medical, social and emotional perspective that emphasizes to young teens that they should postpone sex until they are mature enough to handle the consequences. PSI curricula and instructors discuss ma