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Does the BASC-2 provide information related to the DSM-IV-TR?

basc-2 DSM-IV-TR

Does the BASC-2 provide information related to the DSM-IV-TR?


Several BASC-2 scales contain items whose content correlates to diagnostic criteria for various clinical categories listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The software reports generated by the BASC-2 ASSIST? Plus feature listings of such diagnostic criteria as they relate to items from BASC-2 test forms. Is there research available about the relationship between social maladjustment and emotional disturbance? Also, is there any evidence to uphold that there is a well-defined group of children who can be adequately labeled as “socially maladjusted”? The following response is excerpted from A Clinician’s Guide to the BASC (2002, Guilford Publications), by Reynolds and Kamphaus. Emotional Disturbance/IDEA The Individuals with Disabilities Act, reauthorized in 1997, essentially provides a diagnostic system for use by schools that seeks to create a standard for determining if a c

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